
Catalog Astell&Kern 2024

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The South Korean brand Astell & Kern is a portable and stationary audio device designed primarily for connoisseurs of high-quality sound. These are players, audio systems, Hi-Fi level headphones and various accessories - all built using all sorts of the latest achievements in the field of musical electronics. It should also be noted that the manufacturer pays attention not only to the sound quality, but also to the appearance of its products, trying to make it as attractive as possible for users who are not indifferent not only to sound, but also to visual impressions. It is also argued that the developers do not forget about the ergonomics of their creations, trying to make them as user-friendly as possible for consumers.

The Dreamus Company, founded in 1999, owns the brand. Initially, it was called ReignCom and became best known for its iRiver brand, which was also created to produce various portable audio equipment. However, if iRiver players were historically designed for ordinary users, then Astell & Kern products were originally sharpened specifically for music lovers and connoisseurs of good sound. The first player presented under this trademark appeared in 2012 and was called AK100. The general public learned about this device at the CES 2013 event. It was not unequivocally received by critics, but in general it deserved a lot of positive ratings. In the same year, the first in-ear headphones, called AKR01, appeared.

The debut was successful, the brand's products attracted the attention of users, which contributed to the rapid growth in sales. At the end of 2013, it was decided to spin off Astell&Kern into a separate company. To date, the manufacturer can boast of dozens of different creations released as part of the “We Love Music!” concept.