The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree goes back centuries. For example, information about the first Christmas tree toys made of glass dates back to the end of the XVI century. Before that, the outfit for the festive beauty was made of paper, sweets, fruits and bird feathers were hung on her twigs.

Artificial firs originated as a class in Germany of the sample of the XIX century. The debut specimens of such trees were made of goose feathers painted green. Each feather was attached to a branch with wires, after which the finished branches were wrapped around the trunk. Their appearance has become a kind of response to the massive deforestation of forest lands. The same reason serves as an impetus for the spread of artificial Christmas trees to this day.

Let's not beat around the bush and get to the point. So, let's start with the positive qualities of artificial Christmas beauties.



A "synthetic" Christmas tree, unlike a live one, is bought once and for many years. Accordingly, on the eve of the New Year, you can save your low-cost, as well as a lot of time for hiking in Christmas markets, choosing and transporting natural wood. Instead, it is better to search for gifts for loved ones. The ideas of Christmas presents under the Christmas tree are described in a series of articles of the same name, divided into the following categories:

Easy installation.

Most artificial trees have a collapsible structure. Also on the market there are often whole Christmas trees, the branches of which are enough to fluff before installation. Usually, small Christmas trees of the desktop "registration" are made in this format.

Small "fuzzies" of desktop format do not need to be assembled and disassembled.

An artificial Christmas tree is not a complicated constructor, so assembling a tree rarely takes more than 15 minutes. At the end of the winter marathon of holidays, she easily understands and goes to the mezzanine to wait for the New Year's hour during the following year.

Variability of forms.

The shapes of unnatural fir trees range from minimalistic triangles to the most accurate copies of living trees. The latter will serve as a godsend for true perfectionists — artificial spruce always looks smooth and symmetrical from any side. The needles and twigs on it are evenly distributed, and also have the same length.

The Christmas tree "upside down" is a new word in the festive New Year's Eve decoration.

Thanks to the huge assortment of "synthetic" trees, the choice of such a Christmas tree is limited only by your taste and the monetary side of the issue. So, the needles of artificial fir trees can be painted in the boldest tones, the installation format assumes classic floor, table and even ceiling options for placing a New Year tree. Finally, many fake Christmas trees are supplied together with decorations, including imitating snow.

There are no crumbling needles.

You can dress up an artificial spruce or pine already in early December — needles from tree branches are guaranteed not to fall off closer to the cherished date of the New Year. And after it, the Christmas tree will stand in all its glory at least until spring (of course, you do not need to leave it in this form).

With live fir trees, things are different. Thorns after their disassembly will come across you here and there for a long time after the end of the New Year holidays. The shedding of needles is one of the main deterrents to buying natural Christmas trees.

There will be fewer stumps in the forest.

Many adherents of fake Christmas trees put taking care of nature in the pros. They say the purchase of an artificial spruce will help save the lives of several of its natural counterparts. I would like to sincerely believe that in this way we are contributing to the preservation of the green cover of the planet.

The spruce trees in the nursery are planted in long, slender rows.

In fact, this moment is slightly far-fetched. After all, the cutting of fir trees for sale is not done in the wild — New Year's beauties are grown in special nurseries (with a few exceptions). In addition, a live tree can be disposed of after the holidays without causing damage to the environment. And an artificial Christmas tree that has served its time will decompose in a landfill for decades.

On this note, we smoothly got close to the disadvantages of "synthetic" firs.


There is no smell of the New Year.

A fake Christmas tree is devoid of the main thing — the characteristic smell of pine needles, which is a harbinger of a New Year's miracle. It is the aroma of live pine needles that gives a feeling of genuine celebration. It cannot be replaced by any sprays or coniferous compounds that are used to treat artificial trees to give a coniferous smell.

It's the same thing from year to year.

There are practically no identical real Christmas trees in the wild. Unless you prefer trees from elite nurseries that are customized to certain standards of beauty. Artificial spruce, in turn, will look the same from year to year as before, which may make the household bored.

New toys, coupled with a garland of iridescent multicoloured lights, will help to change the appearance of any Christmas tree beyond recognition.

In order to diversify the familiar appearance of the Christmas tree, new toys are attached to its branches, encircle the tree with coloured "rains", emphasize the "figure" with a glowing garland.

Need a storage space.

In between the Christmas holidays (and this, for a moment, is almost a whole year), an artificial Christmas tree needs to be stored somewhere. For those living in the "mansions" of a large "quadrature", this is not a problem — it will always be possible to allocate a piece of free space in the closet, in the attic or in the basement for a disassembled Christmas tree. The issue of storing a Christmas tree is much more acute for those living in small-sized apartments. It can become the main obstacle to the acquisition of an artificial tree.

Not all models are safe.

In pursuit of cheapness or when buying an artificial spruce tree on the layout at the nearest entrance to the subway, it is easy to run into a product of inadequate quality. At best, the tree will simply break down quickly, at worst, it will spoil the health of the household with the release of harmful substances.

It is best to buy an artificial Christmas tree in large retail chains or specialty stores.

Buying a "synthetic" Christmas tree in trusted stores, such a risk is reduced to zero. Modern models of artificial Christmas trees make them completely non-flammable and chemically safe.

The price of the issue.

The last point of the programme is pricing policy. Yes, a high-quality alternative to live spruce is not cheap. And the price tag on it soars up along with the growth of the tree trunk. However, here it is worth going back to the beginning and remembering the first argument "for" in favor of an artificial Christmas tree: it is bought for many years. As a result, the gain happens in the long run and from year to year an unnatural festive tree will save your New Year's Eve family low-cost.

Merry Christmas and New Year holidays to you!