Especially against the background of the fact that modern supermarkets sell a wide variety of frozen foods, whether mushrooms or berries. Most often, freezers are bought by the owners of private plots, who in the fall simply have nowhere to store the harvest.

Just like any other large household appliances, freezers can be built-in and stand-alone. At the same time, the latter (which are purchased much more often) are also divided into two types — vertical and horizontal.

Vertical models (they are also freezers) look like ordinary refrigerators. They are more convenient to use, they occupy a smaller area. If you put such a device next to an ordinary refrigerator, you can get something like a "side by side" system.

Horizontal models or "freezers" require more space for their placement. But they are generally more spacious than vertical ones. In addition, when opening the lid, cold air does not come out, the cold is preserved better. But using the stalls is not as convenient as cabinets — extracting products from the bottom can be difficult.


Mention should also be made of such devices, also related to freezers, as freezer cabinets and ice generators. We constantly encounter the first ones in supermarkets — in essence, they are the same lari, only with a transparent lid, which is worse from the point of view of temperature preservation, but it allows you to see the contents. As for ice generators, these devices are designed for the preparation of food ice in large quantities. Both are purchased for professional use, they are simply not needed in the apartment.

An important parameter when choosing is the volume of the device and its dimensions. It all depends on your needs and capabilities. The more products you plan to store, the larger the device should be. In addition, a lot depends on which room you plan to install the freezer in.

Next, pay attention to the freezing temperature. It usually ranges from -6 to -24 degrees, depending on the freezer model. It is believed that temperatures up to -12 are quite enough to store food for a month. If the temperature is -18, then it will be enough for three months of storage. As for lower temperatures, products can be stored with them for more than a year.

Most modern models are capable of providing temperatures of -18 degrees and below. Another question is what their freezing capacity is, that is, how quickly they are able to freeze a certain amount of products from room temperature to permanent storage temperature. For most models, this parameter is 11-20 kg / day, which is more than enough for domestic use. There is simply no point in acquiring less powerful freezers, as for more powerful ones, they are used on an industrial scale.


In our conditions with periodic power outages, an important parameter is how well the device is able to maintain a temperature low enough for the safety of products. Inexpensive models usually do not stretch even 20 hours, it is better to avoid this. A good freezer should ensure the preservation of cold for a period of up to one and a half days. There are also more durable models (sometimes even equipped with batteries), but these are already very expensive models for professional use.

Some attention should also be paid to additional functions. So, in a house where there are small children, the so-called protection from children will not be superfluous at all, which will not allow kids to get inside the device or change its mode of operation. The presence of an ice generator means the possibility of making ice for food purposes. Antibacterial protection means the possibility of better preservation of products, will avoid the occurrence of unpleasant odours. And the door closing signal will notify that the freezer door is not tightly closed and cold air is leaving it.

The set of additional functions may vary, depending on the manufacturer and model. For example, some vertical models allow you to outweigh the doors, which is sometimes necessary for more convenient placement of the device indoors.

Separately, it should also be mentioned about the "No Frost" system. They allow you to avoid the appearance of frost on the walls of the freezer, which means there is no need for periodic defrosting of the device, which is very convenient (it will be enough just to ventilate the device once or twice a year). On the other hand, the products stored in such freezers are dehydrated faster, which means you will have to pay more attention to their packaging.

And it remains to tell only about the type of management. It can be push-button (electronic) or mechanical, with rotary switches. In the first case, the user is given the opportunity to fine-tune the operating mode, such devices are often equipped with an additional small display showing the current state of affairs. Mechanical control is simpler, but the devices equipped with it are less expensive. This type is quite suitable for not too demanding users.