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Iron, steam generator or steamer: what to choose?
Let's figure out the differences between regular irons, irons with a steam generator and steamers, what are their pros and cons
Лучшие портативные проекторы со встроенным аккумулятором
Мини-проекторы со Smart TV и возможностью автономной работы
How to choose a water cooling system
Basic criteria for choosing a water cooling system for stable and safe operation of gaming PCs
Лучшие внешние жесткие диски на 4 ТБ
Внешние жесткие диски на 4 ТБ в компактном форм-факторе 2.5” для хранения личной и рабочей информации
Лучшие продвинутые электронные книги с крупными сенсорными экранами
Большие экраны букридеров обеспечивают комфорт чтения книжек, браузинга по интернету и рисования стилусом
The evolution of portable consoles: from Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck to ROG Ally, MSI Claw and Legion Go
We figure out how much the market for portable consoles has changed and what people play while lying on the couch
The best gaming wheels for sim racing
Gaming wheels with improved mechanics and increased control realism for beginners and advanced racers
Лучшие видеорегистраторы со скоростной съемкой в Full HD
Модели с фреймрейтом записи в 60 к/с выдают плавную и детализированную картинку при быстрых движениях в кадре

Products catalog
How E-Katalog works
Platform for product search & price comparison

E-Katalog is multifunctional service for searching goods in online stores and comparing prices. It has wide variety of product categories: electronics, computers, household appliances, car products, DIY and construction equipment, camping equipment, childen's goods and much more. Our task is to help buyer quickly and conveniently find the best offer.

For those who are still undecided, each category has useful filters and comparison tools. An efficient text search function enables category and specific product search by name. Each product page provides comprehensive information to aid your decision-making: description, technical specifications, photos and videos, useful links and reviews. You can also find block "Where to buy?" with online stores list, prices and direct links to purchase page.

E-Katalog system includes more than 3,000 stores, showcasing 1.5 million products, with data being continually updated. This ensures you can select and purchase a suitable product under the most favourable conditions! Presently, we operate in various countries: Ukraine, Poland, the USA, the UK, and Kazakhstan, and we're persistently seeking to extend our reach.

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