
Catalog Horoz Electric 2024

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All categories Horoz Electric

From the Horoz Electric brand name you can immediately guess that the products manufactured under it are all kinds of electrical and LED equipment. On store shelves you can find various models of spotlights and lamps, table lamps, extension cords, flashlights, all kinds of sensors and much more. According to official information, the portfolio of this manufacturer includes several thousand items and continues to constantly expand. It is stated that all these products comply with all stringent standards adopted in the European Union and are supplied to dozens of countries around the world.

The Horoz Electric brand was founded in 2007 in Istanbul. Since then, it has been possible not only to increase production capacity and enter various markets, but also to open representative offices in various countries, including Ukraine, France, Belgium, Romania, Azerbaijan and some others. Since 2011, Horoz Electric has been part of the Kacmaz Grup. The latter was founded in 1996, named after the founder’s surname, and from the very first days specialized in the supply of electrical equipment.

In addition to Horoz Electric, Kacmaz Grup also includes some other brands (5 at the beginning of 2024), some of which are also inextricably linked with the production of electrical equipment and related products. The most famous of them is Irem Elektrik.