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Catalog Zubr 2025

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Under the ZUBR brand, a wide range of electromechanical relays is on the market. The main purpose of this product is to protect equipment from surges in current or voltage in the network. Due to its high technical characteristics, the ZUBR relay is used not only at home, but is also used as an element of protection against emergency situations of industrial equipment in various enterprises.

The ZUBR brand is represented on the market by the Ukrainian manufacturer of electrical equipment DS Electronics. In addition to the ZUBR brand itself, the company also produces other e-brands, including the terneo brand of thermostats, as well as RATEY underfloor heating systems.

The company began its activity in 2003, when the first device was released - a thermostat under the terneo brand. And three years later, the manufacturer decided to expand the range, and in 2006 the ZUBR brand appeared on the market, under which voltage relays, popular with buyers, have been produced since then.

Production facilities with an area of more than 1500 sq.m. and the head office of DS Electronics are located in Kyiv. In 2021 alone, according to the official information of the manufacturer, more than 680 thousand devices were produced at the Kiev plant. According to the company, its products are sold in many countries not only in the CIS, but also in the European Union, and DS Electronics has opened official representative offices in Uzbekistan and Moldova.