In the previous article, we have already talked about modern radio-controlled cars, the speed of which can exceed even 100 km/h. Today we will continue the story of radio-controlled toys: from airplanes and helicopters, to tanks and spiders. You can pick up and buy a radio-controlled aircraft yourself in the corresponding catalog, and below we will tell you everything you need to know about these devices.

One of the reasons for such popularity of cars is unpretentiousness. Small models can be run freely in the room. While a radio-controlled aircraft anyway will require you to leave the room. Also, to guess the time when the weather will be suitable. And the boat needs a large enough reservoir. However, the presence of such restrictions sometimes not only does not hinder the popularity of toys, but only fuels interest in them.

Radio-controlled aircraft

The second most popular radio—controlled toys after cars are, of course, airplanes. There are various models on the market, from simple toys weighing several tens of grams, to real monsters whose weight can reach several kilograms.

Radio-controlled aircraft can have an electric motor, an internal combustion engine (internal combustion engine) and even a jet engine. The latter are quite rare due to the high cost, impressive size, complexity of care and management. And you can not run them everywhere. This is, so to speak, aerobatics in the world of radio-controlled aircraft.

Modern radio-controlled aircraft can be
equipped with both an electric motor and a reactive

There are several basic types. The simplest ones are training models. As the name implies, they are intended for beginners. They differ in affordable cost and simplicity of design. They are created taking into account possible mistakes that any beginner will inevitably make.

Much more complex and interesting solutions are manned ones designed to perform aerobatics. They often have unusual shapes that do not resemble conventional aircraft in any way. For example, it can be a "flying wing" design.

And finally, copies and semi-copies. Such models are an exact or partial copy of an airplane model that actually existed or is even still actively used. The detail of the execution is sometimes amazing — the chassis is removed, the side lights are working, etc.

By the way, it's not limited to hobbies and sports alone. Radio-controlled aircraft are actively used by scientists, employees of various services and the military. But in relation to these models, it is more correct to use a different term — unmanned aerial vehicles. Their weight can reach several hundredweight, and on board they can carry all kinds of scientific equipment or even weapons. Developments are actively underway to create autonomous solutions, the electronic brain of which will make it possible to do without a controlling person at all or reduce his role to a minimum.

Radio-controlled aircraft have record holders in the Guinness Book of Records. The speed record set in 2010 is 589 km/h, it was a Jetcat P 160 SE model with a jet engine. The altitude record is 8,205 metres, and the maximum distance covered is 3,039 km (flight from Canada to Ireland)

As for the control, special multi-channel radio transmitters are usually used, the cost of which can sometimes reach several thousand dollars. Infrared communication is used much less frequently. Also, recently, toys-gadgets controlled by a smartphone, usually using a Bluetooth interface, have been gaining popularity, which means that it is impossible to control at a distance of more than 10 metres. In general, in some cases, the range of other models can reach a kilometer. It is pointless to increase this distance, since the model will simply not be visible from the ground.

Radio-controlled aircraft are sold both assembled and as designers. It is also possible to purchase individual components to create your own design.

Radio-controlled helicopters

It has a lot in common with airplanes. Helicopters come with electric motors, internal combustion engines and gas turbine engines. They can also be exact copies or semi-copies. Models with absolutely fantastic designs capable of performing complex manoeuvres are not uncommon. At the same time, they can be equipped with several screws at once — such designs are called multicopters (if four screws are installed crosswise, then the design is called a quadcopter). But most of the models are still executed according to the classical scheme, that is, they are equipped with a bearing and steering screws.

Parrot ArDron quadcopter, which you can control
using a modern smartphone

While airplanes have appeared for a relatively long time, no one has been able to create a radio-controlled helicopter for a long time. It was only in the 70s of the last century that models began to appear, based on a scheme that is still used today with minor modifications.

Radio—controlled helicopters are often used not only as a hobby, but also for scientific purposes — for this purpose, special equipment is installed on them. It is not uncommon for such constructions to be used by the press and independent photographers who get the opportunity to take photos and videos from a considerable height.

Such helicopters can be both very small, for premises, and very impressive sizes, the launch of which should be carried out only in specially designated places. And the point here is not only that such "monsters" are equipped with an internal combustion engine, but also that there is a risk of serious injury from rotating blades.

Just as in the case of airplanes, helicopters are sold both fully assembled, ready to fly immediately after unpacking, and in the form of designers.

Radio-controlled ships

If there is a large enough reservoir near you, then you can get a lot of pleasure by launching remote-controlled boats on it. By the way, almost all radio-controlled toys originate from this technique. The legendary scientist Nikola Tesla received a patent for such devices back in 1889. He also built the world's first radio-controlled boat, which he demonstrated in action at Madison Square Garden. By the way, it has been preserved to this day. Tesla intended to use his invention as a weapon — something like a radio-controlled torpedo. No wonder he called the boat "Devil Automata" (Automatic devil). No one even thought about the possibility of such toys then.

Radio-controlled ships are used both just for fun and in sports. Just like other types of similar equipment, they can differ in unusual shapes or be executed in the form of models that simply delight with their detail. The user can choose between a small hydrofoil speedboat and a smaller copy of the Titanic.

Radio-controlled special equipment

This relatively large category of radio-controlled special equipment includes all kinds of all-terrain vehicles, construction equipment, all kinds of rovers and, of course, military equipment. Unlike helicopters and airplanes, radio-controlled special equipment is used exclusively for games and entertainment.

With the help of several radio-controlled tanks, you can deploy a tank battle within the apartment. Some models can not only drive and turn the tower, but also shoot special bullets

Also, the category of special equipment includes all kinds of fire trucks and ambulances, capable not only of driving, but also of making appropriate sounds with the help of a siren. With a bulldozer and a remote-controlled lifting crane, it will be more interesting to play construction.

A radio-controlled anfibia tank whose cannon can shoot
with their shells at a distance of up to 20 metres

The vast majority of radio-controlled special equipment is equipped with electric motors and is intended for indoor use. But if desired, you can also find models with internal combustion engines. These can be impressive trucks that easily pull trailers with a significant load. Quarry dump trucks carrying a significant amount of sand. As well as bulldozers capable of loosening sand and gravel. Or even excavators, through which it is not difficult to dig a fairly impressive pit.

Special equipment is most often executed in the form of copies or semi-copies. The level of detail can sometimes be very high — cab doors open, rear-view mirrors fold up, headlights light up, etc.

Radio-controlled animals

Do you want to scare the neighbors? Then get yourself a hefty furry spider on radio control. Other radio-controlled animals can also be found on the market. Most of them are toys for children of preschool and primary school age. Their functionality is not too high, but sometimes such animals may have some additional features. For example, they can collect small objects scattered on the floor. And, of course, wagging their tails, clicking their jaws, etc. The control panels of such animals often have an unusual shape. So, a snake can be controlled using a remote control that simulates a snake egg, and a dog can be controlled using a remote control in the form of a sugar bone.

Since radio-controlled animals are produced for children, a lot of attention is paid to safety issues when creating them. They work exclusively from electric motors driven by the most ordinary finger batteries.

See also:
Variety of cars with radio control
Some models are equipped with an internal combustion engine and reach speeds of up to 100 km/h
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