Side-by-side refrigerators, usually, differ in significant
dimensions and designed for spacious kitchens

A standard side-by-side refrigerator looks like a cabinet: wide with doors opening in different directions. The design of such refrigerators can provide from two to six chambers with separate doors or drawers. From English, the name of the category of these refrigerators translates as "side by side". Indeed, in side-by-side, the refrigerator and freezer are next to each other, but there are also models in which the “freezer" is located at the bottom. Such refrigerators are convenient due to the absence of partitions in the chambers.

The first and main difference between side-by-side refrigerators is the capacity and size. Moreover, the capacity of the cameras can be almost the same. Secondly, the side—by-side design is very convenient: a variety of sections and shelves allow you to quickly find the right product. Some models are equipped with folding shelves that allow you to organize the interior space of the chambers to your liking and depending on the size of the products. Many models are equipped with a display that allows you to set the desired settings without opening the unit.

As in other modern refrigerators, side-by-side has several climatic zones, sections with adjustable humidity and temperature, which allow you to prolong the freshness of products. Temperature and humidity controlled sections allow you to set the desired settings depending on the products. Interestingly, in many models, the operation of the compressor is regulated depending on the temperature of the air in the room. So, in the heat, the system can increase the speed of the compressor, and when it is cool, the compressor operation slows down.

"Buns" and bonuses

Many refrigerators have additional features,
as an external display, dispenser or ice generator

Side-by-side refrigerators are chosen not just for their capacity and the possibility of long-term storage of products. For some, it is the additional capabilities of the unit that become the key selection criteria. Such, for example, as a water generator, a water dispenser, a minibar, a section for frequently used products.

The ice maker, beloved by many, mounted in the freezer doors, is able to freeze and give out about 40 kg of ready-made ice cubes. Moreover, the filters provided in the water supply system guarantee crystal clear ice. In some models, this function allows you to serve not only ice cubes, but also ice chips or simply chilled filtered water.

Modern refrigerators side-by-side not only signals an open door, but can also close the doors themselves using an automatic door closer.

The premium side-by-side segment offers models with a built-in TV and even a computer connected to the Internet. Using the control buttons and the LCD display, you can select and order products online directly from the refrigerator! Unfortunately, the function of ordering products is not yet available in our country.

The section for frequently used products is a door within a door with access to a shelf with drinks or snacks that are consumed more often than others. In addition to the image component, such an invention is also very practical — opening a small door does not require increased energy consumption of the system.

Do you need a side-by-side refrigerator for you?

The side-by-side refrigerator will be convenient for a large family, for those who like to cook and often do it, for those who like perfect order in everything (it is easy to maintain it in a roomy refrigerator), as well as for fans of stylish and technological equipment — because the functionality and capabilities of modern side-by-side very high.

However, before you buy side-by-side, answer yourself a few questions:

1. Is there a large variety of foods in your diet?

For an objective assessment, take into account not only New Year's holidays, but also ordinary weekdays. If you eat on the run, cook rarely, rarely have parties and are completely indifferent to technological innovations, most likely, the refrigerator side-by-side will not meet your expectations.

2. Do you have a place for such a unit?

Determine in advance and measure the place for the unit, taking into account the space for opening the doors in different directions. It is also worth taking care of transporting the dimensional assistant to the kitchen. He may simply not fit into a standard elevator or not pass through the doorway of an apartment or kitchen.