The first thing to say is that if high sound quality is important to you, do not hesitate to purchase a separate player. However, not all models can boast of decent sound quality. Especially when it comes to popular models. Even the famous iPod will not satisfy the demands of music lovers in full. Although many users care little about the perfect sound quality. In addition, many people today listen not to music, but to audiobooks, for which this indicator plays a secondary role.

Undoubtedly, a specialized device will always cope with its role better than a "universal". But carrying a camera, a player and a phone (and often also a voice recorder) is not the most pleasant activity. In working needs — wherever it goes, but for everyday use it is more convenient to use, for example, a smartphone. Or a regular phone with an emphasis on the music playback function ("player") — such models are equipped with buttons for controlling music, as well as a separate audio processor, thanks to which the sound quality is significantly improved. But phones are gradually losing ground, giving the leadership to smartphones. And these devices may well replace the media player. Smartphones have a huge advantage — support for all existing formats (if there are special programs). It is also important that you can choose the most convenient player programme for you. After all, everything depends only on the software, which can be easily updated or supplemented. Using a regular player, you find yourself tied to a set of certain formats (and sometimes also to a special programme, without which it is impossible to record music to the device). The same can be said about the player phones — there is no choice of programme for playback, and format support is limited.


But "omnipotent" devices also have their drawbacks. First of all, the battery charge. Smartphones are already barely able to last a day. Active use of them as a media player will further shorten the period without a backup, you risk suddenly being left without a player and without a phone. A good player always has more built-in memory than many phone models, which means you will need an additional memory card. There are only a few smartphone models on the market, the volume of built-in memory of which is quite large. There is no doubt that these are expensive devices.

Another nuance is the ease of use. Most modern phones lack playback control keys (with the exception of specialized models). That is, if you need to switch the song or just stop playback, you will need to take the device out of your pocket. Of course, there are special remote controls, but using them is not as convenient as it seems. However, some popular player models "suffer" from the same drawback.

It is worth noting that the player is much more suitable for music lovers, for whom sound quality is extremely important: clarity, clarity of sound. But if music is just a necessary background for you, it is still more convenient to use a universal device. Of course, provided that all of the above disadvantages are not significant for you.

The player, as a separate device, is undoubtedly too early to bury. Maybe it has fewer advantages than universal smartphones, but its advantages are indisputable. These gadgets are likely to occupy their niche in the market for a long time. Moreover, not only expensive devices for music lovers will survive, but also affordable models "for everyone".