
There are several types of headphones. The first one is inserts, colloquially they are called "inserts". The next type is intra–channel or vacuum, which are familiar to many under the slang name "plugs" or "plug-ins". And, of course, – overhead, as well as full-size or scientifically – monitor.

The size of the first two types of headphones, as well as ease of use, are no less important characteristics than sound quality. It often happens that the usual tabs that come with a music player or phone are not suitable for you. They simply do not hold in the ears. You can, of course, put foam rubber on them. But this design is not hygienic, and it looks somehow "provincial". Even more problems with vacuum headphones. Silicone pads, usually, are either too large or small. Therefore, make sure that the inserts are of several sizes. But these headphones, unlike the previous ones, are very hygienic – silicone seals can be easily removed and rinsed under the tap.

Headphones are also attached in different ways: using a vertical shackle on the headband, an occipital shackle (for those who are afraid to spoil their hairstyle), flexible coverage of whether two elastic ties. In the latter case, the load on the head is distributed more evenly, and the listener does not get tired so quickly. The attachment can also be in the form of an earpiece, clips or without fasteners – the cups are held using ear pads.

Monitor headphones are used by sound engineers, DJs, gamers, as well as fans of very good sound. They are convenient and practical – large in size, very powerful and have high technical characteristics.

If you are too lazy to look for parameters such as resistance, frequency, etc. in the product passport, you can do without it. Moreover, very often the manufacturer indicates these figures approximately. It would be more correct in this case to be guided by folk wisdom, which says: "it is better to hear it once." But just in case, we inform you: the frequency characteristic should be within 20-20, 000 Hz, and the sensitivity should be more than 100 dB. Otherwise, when connected to a player or phone, the sound will be very weak. For a portable device, you should choose headphones with a resistance in the range of 32 – 64 ohms. If its value is greater than 100 ohms, then the playback device must have a high-power and high-quality audio output.

A matter of convenience


Do you think that the main advantage of headphones is ease of use? Then take a portable wireless model. After all, it is clear that the wire will interfere if you want, for example, to dance or just walk around the room to your favorite tunes. But on the other hand, the wired model provides better sound. Another disadvantage of wireless headphones is the battery. It needs to be charged periodically. It should be remembered that when using "in-ear headphones" and "plug-ins", the load on the auditory canal, even with quiet sound, is much higher than with normal listening. And if they are used for a long time, it can lead to hearing impairment or even deafness. Not to mention the irritation of the skin inside the auricle. Therefore, anyone who is concerned about these problems can be advised to buy overhead or monitor headphones.

It should be noted that in the production and development of this type of headphones, the most advanced and modern technologies are used along with performing the most responsible operations manually by experienced specialists. An example of such a product is the TakeT H2+ headphones. Mr. Take, the head of TakeT, is of the opinion that a person feels sound vibrations from 20 kHz mainly through the skin of the face, as well as through the facial bones. The company used this feature in its BPP technology – two special emitters are installed in these headphones. They help to make the sound picture richer and more differentiated . Also, when using these headphones, there is practically no feeling of fatigue, which is very important for those who devote a lot of time to listening or have to spend the whole working day in headphones. However, do not rush to order a novelty, its price is more than three thousand dollars.

It is very important to take into account the weight of the headphones when choosing a device. At the first "fitting" you may not pay attention to it. But then, after several hours of use, you will suddenly feel fatigue and unpleasant sensations in the cervical spine. Try to determine if you can adjust the mount to the size of the head. Are you satisfied with the length of the wire (sometimes a long wire creates inconvenience, as well as too short) and whether there is a volume control on it. The braid or insulation of the wire, if you are going to use headphones for a mobile device, should be soft enough. Otherwise, in winter it will harden, and with every movement it will create inconvenience.

Final chord

Today, headphones are produced by everyone who is not lazy. Hence the questionable quality of many products – careless assembly, components of unknown origin, cheap plastic. And the point here is not in appearance, but in the fact that the use of another material for the case worsens the acoustics. And the slightest inaccuracies when installing coils or changing geometric dimensions lead to sound distortion. In particular, this applies to Chinese goods. Therefore, pay attention to proven brands. After all, since headphones were invented, little has changed in them. But during this long period, the technology of their manufacture was improved, honed and reached the highest level. Therefore, even a low-cost model, if it is made by a well-known manufacturer, will not become a source of these problems for you.

In a word, before going to the store, it is worth studying advertising reviews, reading reviews and recommendations. But when buying, you should rely only on yourself. Because the choice of headphones is a purely individual process, and you should not trust his advisers. And today there are a great many shops selling electronics. Therefore, take your player and go to where the range is the widest. Listen and choose. No one can do it better than you. And do not rush to buy, perhaps the model you like can be ordered much cheaper in the online store.