1. Standard size:
H — full-size;
C — compact.

2. Type:
B — oven (grill + convection);
N — oven + microwave + steamer;
M — oven + microwave;
S — oven + steamer (full-fledged);
R — oven + pseudo steamer;
I — with the addition of steam.

3. Set of functions:
G — standard functionality + door closer.

4. Series:
6 — round TFT display with ring selector;
5 — heated handles with a conventional screen.

5. Type of cleaning:
1 — ordinary enamel;
3 — catalysis on the back panel;
5 — catalysis of the rear and side walls;
7 — pyrolysis.

6. Management:
1 — rotary knobs;
3 — centre TFT display + defrost;
4 — central TFT display + dish heating, keeping hot;
5 — central TFT display + 10 auto programs;
6 — triple TFT display + auto programs.

7. Additional:
B — standard equipment;
N — telescopes on the same level;
T — telescopes on three levels;
E — thermal probe;
R — telescopes on the same level + thermal probe;
L — telescopes on two levels + theromschum;
X — telescopes on three levels;
H — telescopes on two levels with the telescopeStop function.

8. Colour:
W — white;
B — black;
S — stainless steel.