Catalog Zwilling 2025
Models 245 | Customer Reviews 1 | Media reviews 162 | 769 offers in online stores |
Models 245 | Customer Reviews 1 | Media reviews 162 | 769 offers in online stores |
The German company Zwilling J. A. Henckels, best known for the Zwilling brand, is one of the most famous and oldest manufacturers of kitchen knives for home and professional use. It was founded in the city of Solingen, located in North Rhine –Westphalia, back in 1731 and became one of the first European manufacturers who, from the very first days of its existence, paid attention not only to production and product promotion, but also to the brand. Thus, the well-recognized logo (also considered one of the oldest in the world) was almost immediately registered with the local Cutlers Guild. It should be noted here that such concepts as branding and marketing in those years were still in their infancy and not every manufacturer understood the importance of cementing the company’s name in the minds of consumers.
Much attention was paid to product distribution. So, starting in 1818, Zwilling sales offices and branded stores began to open in different cities, first in Germany, and then throughout the world. The company also became famous as one of the pioneers of the use of machines in production – in 1853 the steam engine was used, while other companies continued to use manual labor. Then, 50 years later, Zwilling became the first to switch to electrical equipment. The active introduction of new technologies and competent marketing have done their job, allowing the company to become one of the leading manufacturers of kitchen knives in the world. Today, the brand's products are sold in more than 100 countries around the world, and its logo (the modern version was approved in 1969, after the company ceased to be a family business and became a joint-stock company) is one of the most recognizable among the symbols for kitchen related products. You can purchase Zwilling knives from both independent retailers and a network of branded stores – there are more than 200 of them in China alone.
The company owns a number of brands, such as Miyabi, Staub, Demeyere, Ballarini, BSF, Flammkraft, etc., which form the Zwilling Group. Some of them deal only with knives – Miyabi (formerly Nippa). Others produce tableware and kitchen appliances – Staub and Flammkraft. But there are also those whose activities have nothing to do with the kitchen at all. For example, Tweezerman, which operates independently, specializes in beauty and health products. Also in the period 2003-2004, the manufacturers of hairdressing accessories Jaguar and Tondeo were taken over, which since 2011 have formed a separate division – United Salon Technologies GmbH (in 2021 it will become a part of CERTINA Gruppe).
At the same time, Zwilling JA Henckels itself is not an independent company, but since 1970 has been part of the Werhahn KG conglomerate, whose activities include building materials, consumer goods and financial services.