A comparative table of fireplaces presented in the review is available for study at the following link. The full range of current models of electric fireplaces is in the corresponding catalog.

Sound accompaniment of imitation of smoldering firewood, gold frame of the case and forged elements on the front panel, affordable price.
No remote control, small size.

The compact model of the electric fireplace from the Royal Flame company is designed for embedding in a niche or portal, and can also be installed as an independent device that is easy to carry from one place of the dwelling to another.

Behind the decorative elements on the front panel to match the forged metal is the heart of the fireplace — fake smoldering firewood. Imitation of their gorenje is accompanied by characteristic crackling sounds. If desired, the sound can be easily turned off by using the toggle switch on the control panel. The neighbor buttons are responsible for choosing the power of the device in the heater mode (2000/1000 W) and turning on/off the effect of simulating the smoldering of firewood.

In the reviews of the model, many pay attention to the fact that the fireplace looks bigger from the photos than it really is. In fact, its dimensions are 61x50x23 cm. Also, many owners of the device lack a remote control for remote control of the parameters of the electric fireplace. In all other respects, Royal Flame Majestic FX receives positive ratings and is liked by users both for the efficiency of heating rooms with an area of up to 20 sq. m, and for a restrained design with retro notes in the design.

The fireplace does not hide the main trump card up its sleeve, but flaunts it — such is the affordable cost of the device in comparison with competitors in the class. Thus, it is possible to create a cozy corner at home, which can become a point of attraction for households, without causing significant damage to the family low-cost.

Ultra-thin depth, flame brightness adjustment, easy wall mounting.
There is no ventilation grate on the front panel for heat output.

A wall-type fireplace originally from cold Sweden stands out against the background of most peers with an atypical vertical arrangement. This method of execution looks fresh and allows the device to fit harmoniously into modern interiors.

The model is designed for wall mounting. Moreover, the fireplace practically does not increase its thickness due to the ultra—thin depth of the case — the device retreats from the wall by only 12 cm. But it is not recommended to embed an electric fireplace in a niche, because there are no ventilation grilles for heat output on its front panel. Accordingly, in the heating mode, the device will work inefficiently, warming up only the box in which it is mounted.

The heating and flame simulation systems work independently of each other, and they are controlled using a remote control. In the maximum power mode (2000 W), the device provides effective heating of a room with an area of about 20 m². There is also a half-power mode (1000 watts). Realistic flame simulation can change the intensity and brightness of gorenje by sequentially pressing the "Dimmer" key on the remote control.

MDF predominates in the materials of the model body, and inside the fireplace is lined with metal heat-repellent plates. In general, Electrolux EFP/W-1200RCL offers a basic set of functions without unnecessary "gadgets", which, taking into account the cost of the device, is quite justified.

Realistic smoldering of firewood, room heating with the function of maintaining a preset temperature, adjusting the brightness of the flame and the volume of sound effects, a display on the front panel, curved panoramic glass.
There is no flickering effect of smoldering firewood.

The Panoramic prefix in the middle of the name of the electric fireplace from the Royal Flame brand appears for a reason — it makes it clear about the use of curved panoramic glass in the model, which visually increases the size of the flame hearth.

The main attention behind the glass panel is riveted by smoldering logs. An imitation of a flame is projected onto the wall behind them, and the side walls are decorated with brickwork. The combination of all elements helps to create a special atmosphere of comfort, and its mood can be adjusted by four-stage brightness adjustment. In parallel, the user can change the volume of the sound accompanying the visual effects.

The electric fireplace is equipped with a built-in fan heater with a heating element with a maximum power of 2000 watts (half-power heating is carried out at a power of 1000 watts). Its operation can be organized for constant blowing of the room with heated air flows or for maintaining a preset temperature (carried out in one of six modes in the temperature range from +22 to +60 °C).

For a better perception of the changed parameters, a small display is placed on the front panel of the device, which automatically turns off when the settings are completed. The fireplace functions are controlled by means of a remote control and buttons on the front panel. Minor complaints from the owners of the device are found only regarding the constant glow of smoldering firewood, which I would like to see slightly flickering to achieve greater realism. However, even without this, the model wins the hearts of the public with its spectacular appearance and an abundance of useful functions in the equipment.

+4 photo
+5 video
Realistic 3D flame, efficient room heating, flame brightness adjustment, easy wall mounting, modern design.
High cost.
Price from 34 010 ₴
PermyCo34 010 ₴To Store

The Irish large-format electric fireplace stretched in length over a distance of more than one metre. Behind the tinted glass covering the full width of the front panel, all the most interesting things happen — it is there that a realistic imitation of gorenje flame is created, fascinating the eye.

Glen Dimplex engineers approached the issue of creating the most accurate copy of the flickering flame with special care and came up with the proprietary Optiflame technology. Only instead of the usual logs for the kind of electric fireplaces in this model, a substrate of crystals of different shades is used, which effectively shimmer in the light and under the influence of simulated fire.

In addition to the decorative function, the fireplace performs tasks of greater practical value. For example, it is able to heat a room with an area of up to 20 m² in the maximum power mode (2000 watts) and maintain a comfortable temperature regime in it, functioning at half power (1000 watts). The distribution of heated air flows around the perimeter of the room is facilitated by a built-in fan heater that accelerates air flows through holes in the upper part of the front panel of the device.

The main way to install an electric fireplace is wall mounting. The main thing is to provide a power supply (220 W) for it, the device does not have any other special requirements for operation. The remote control is used to control all modes of operation of the fireplace. The fly in the ointment in a big barrel of honey is only the high cost of the model, but it should be understood that a product of such an advanced class in modern high-tech design simply cannot be cheap.

+4 photo
+1 video
Realistic imitation of the flame, humidification of the air, adjustment of the brightness of the flame and heating power, the richness of the design.
High cost.

A representative of the upper strata of society of electric fireplaces creates a realistic flame effect, heats the room, humidifies the air in it and perhaps does not cook food. But let's not get ahead of ourselves and consider everything in order.

The fireplace is built into an exquisite portal with an ivory marble finish or in a classic black "suit". The hearth of the model is open — without glass in the front. Blazing and smoldering logs, smaller embers and ashes are laid out along its perimeter. Almost real fire breaks through them — it is very difficult to distinguish simulated flames from real ones.

The realism of the flame is given by a special Opti-Myst technology — imitation of the creation of three-dimensional fire and smoke using a cloud of steam illuminated by special lamps. Water for the built-in steam generator is collected in a pallet with a capacity of 1.5 liters and its reserves will need to be replenished periodically. In addition to the effect of simulating a flame, water in a vaporous state provides humidification of the air in the room.

The humidification function is also designed to compensate for excessive dryness of the air when the device is turned on in heating mode. In the role of the Dimplex Albany Suite heater, it is able to effectively heat rooms with an area of about 20-25 m². And even if the cost of the model does not contribute to a minute-long trip to the store for it, the leadership qualities of the electric fireplace expose it in the light of one of the most interesting copies on the modern market, deserving the closest attention of the public.

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