Ideally, you should think about the subtleties of care and its overall labor intensity before purchasing a humidifier, so that there are no unpleasant surprises after the fact. More information about this and other factors for selecting models is offered in our material “How to choose a humidifier and air washer?”

The main guideline for cleaning your humidifier is the manual, and the basic principle is to clean it better more often

Beginners who have just bought their first humidifier are often surprised by the need for frequent maintenance. For ultrasonic models, some are "suddenly" discovering that it causes white coatings in the room. Water humidifier owners may find the moisturizing disc to be a challenging puzzle, seemingly requiring a high-pressure washer for thorough deposit removal.

The reasons for unpleasant surprises with maintenance is that marketers often bypass this issue. Therefore, instead of advertising information on official websites, it is better, even at the selection stage, to focus on user manuals and what they say about cleaning and washing. The instructions almost always have a profile section. Exactly its recommendations should become the main rules for you. In most cases, it indicates which components need maintenance, how to clean and wash, what to use (just water, certain agents).

Also, the manual specifies the desired maintenance intervals. If it says to wash the membrane or moisturizing disk every 7 days, it is better to strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. This approach will prolong the overall lifetime of the model. Similarly, if a range in frequency is prescribed (every 10 — 20 days), then it is better to focus on a smaller value. If you clean the humidifier more often, the maintenance will turn out to be less complicated and time-consuming. If you forgot (or did not want) to clean the components once, then instead of the usual 10 minutes the next week it may take half an hour or even more.

By the way, the correct maintenance intervals can be determined by experience, based on the degree of contamination. Very dirty (or even bloomed) water in the drip tray, a membrane completely covered with deposits, dark tank walls — all these are signs that you have not yet reached the optimal washing intervals.

All parts that come into contact with water usually need to be cleaned.

If you lack a detailed manual or have a very general one advising basic maintenance like cleaning the tank and tray to enhance the device's performance (which is common), carefully go through our material and implement the provided recommendations.

First, we'll look at the differences between maintaining ultrasonic humidifiers and air washers, and then we'll go over the main service procedures.

Specifics of ultrasonic humidifier maintenance

Ultrasonic devices typically have a less bulky design, making maintenance generally easier. However, they are sensitive to the quality of tap water. In cases of high hardness salt content (common in tap water), a distinct white coating may accumulate on furniture and floors during the spraying process. This not only impacts humidifier care but also adds to the overall cleaning effort.

Due to the presence of hard water, the membrane (responsible for ultrasonic vibrations and generating "cold fog") in ultrasonic humidifiers tends to get contaminated quickly. This can lead to clogging of the evaporator opening and its internal circuits. The primary concern, however, is the necessity of frequent apartment cleaning, which essentially offsets the overall benefits of humidification. Therefore, when opting for an ultrasonic model, consider using distilled or additionally purified water in its reservoir, such as through a filter jug. Some manufacturers even recommend higher-quality, multi-level filtration.

In addition, you can initially consider a humidifier with a decalcification cartridge. But its effectiveness is not always ideal (there is simply less white residue), plus it is a consumable that must be changed regularly.

A large set hardness salt filter will reduce the frequency of cleaning.

Advice: if an anti-scale cartridge is provided, then before purchasing, evaluate its size, for example, in the Boneco U200 it is large, so you can believe that there will be water softening, and in some models, it is small (and most likely ineffective).

In any case, no matter what method of water purification you choose, it will only affect the frequency of maintenance, but will not cancel it altogether.

Unlike air washers, ultrasonic humidifiers also require maintenance of the membrane. It is almost constantly in water (usually located in a special recess in the base of the body), and becomes covered with deposit and other contaminants. Because of this, the humidification performance is reduced. It is not difficult to clean the ultrasonic plate, but it must be done carefully and gently, so as not to damage it. Some brands include a special accessory for cleaning. If it is not available, you can use a toothbrush with soft bristles.

The ultrasonic humidifier membrane can be cleaned with a toothbrush.

Otherwise, the main maintenance efforts are directed towards the water tank, which we will talk about in more detail.

Air washer maintenance specifics

Water humidifiers have an advantage in that they don't leave a white residue on furniture and surfaces, allowing the use of hard tap water without additional filtration. While this may seem convenient, a drawback is that hardness salts accumulate inside the humidifier, necessitating more frequent care for its components. Though not obligatory, the use of filtered water is desirable to reduce overall maintenance labor.

Another feature of these devices is the inclusion of a tray, typically holding water, where dust accumulates, and bacteria and mold can develop. Without regular cleaning and disinfection of the tray, the humidifier can transform from a beneficial device into a breeding ground for pests. Therefore, the built-in fan, responsible for circulating air, may not only produce humidified air but also air enriched with harmful microorganisms.

In washers, maintenance primarily involves the water tank, tray, the humidifying component (discs, filters, or sponges), and the fan. Cleaning the fan is straightforward: if access is limited, use a vacuum cleaner for dust, and if it's open, periodic dusting of the blades is sufficient. Further details about caring for the tray and moisturizing components will be provided.

How to clean the humidifier water tank?

Even if the tank is filled with filtered (purified) water without hardness salts, deposits will still appear over time. In addition, due to constant contact with the liquid, bacteria and fungi (mold) can grow inside the tank. To prevent this from happening, systematic cleaning is necessary.

Whenever possible, consider rinsing the container with clean water nearly every time you refill it. If the device is used intermittently, like overnight, it's advisable to empty any remaining liquid in the morning. Following this, rinse the tank and allow it to air dry, or wipe it dry from the inside if necessary.

Periodically (every 3 – 7 days) it is worth cleaning the tank from deposits and other contaminants using acidic detergents (we will tell you more about what to clean with) or adhering to the manufacturer's specific recommendations. As a rule, you can make solutions and pour them inside for 30 minutes, and then wash (rinse) the tank with running water and dry it.

If the tank is not cleaned regularly, deposits will accumulate on the inner walls of the tank, and additional mechanical action may also be required to remove them. It should be delicate, so remove deposits with cotton swabs, kitchen sponges or brushes (even a toothbrush can be used).

Even before purchasing a humidifier, keep in mind that it is simpler and easier to care for tanks with convenient access to its walls from the inside. That's why, for example, a tank with a wide neck or a collapsible design (opening lid) is an added bonus.

It can be difficult to clean the inside of the tank, especially if the neck is narrow.

Note that air washers may not have a separate tank (sometimes it is combined with a tray). In this case, access to the inner walls of the tank is always convenient, and cleaning is quite simple. The maintenance includes rinsing, drying, soaking with detergents, sometimes - additional disinfection (about this in a separate section). If the washer has both a drip tray and a removable tank, both components need to be maintained, and the tank often has a narrow neck, so it is not a good idea to get to the point where you have to clean the inside with brushes.

How to maintain the air washer's humidifying filters?

The natural evaporation principle in humidifiers relies on creating substantial contact between dry air and water, facilitated by moisturizing components. These components vary, such as honeycomb discs, multi-layer sponges, mats, or filters on holders, with brand-specific names like NanoCloud from Philips. Regardless of the terminology, they require maintenance as they tend to accumulate plaque and can serve as a breeding ground for pathogens.

Maintaining consumable humidifying elements is somewhat simpler, as they are designed for replacement. These elements can be easily taken out, and it's typically suggested to wash or soak them in vinegar or other acidic detergents for about an hour once a week. After washing, the filter should be air-dried (without heat) before reuse. However, despite optimal care, these consumables will eventually need replacement, requiring the purchase of new ones.

Humidifying filters are washed under running water or soaked.

For humidifying components that do not require replacement, maintenance is usually more difficult. A typical example of such a component is rotating cell disks. They are offered, for example, in Xiaomi Smartmi Air Humidifier 2 and in many Boneco and Venta washers. In one way or another, deposits will accumulate between the disks. Therefore, simply rinsing and soaking with detergent will not be sufficient for thorough cleaning.

If the design permits, disassemble the humidifier and carefully inspect each disk. While soaking them together is acceptable, it's advisable to individually brush or sponge each disk in areas with visible deposits. When the moisturizing disc is non-detachable, maintenance becomes considerably more labor-intensive. In such cases, it is often more efficient to have professionals clean the device rather than attempting the procedure at home.

Such a humidifying element of the washer will be more difficult to clean.

Fortunately, today there are very few such washers: there is a clear trend towards an increase in the range of models with consumables. Let's say the Venta AeroStyle LW74 has updated the disk, it is now called hygienic, but in fact is replaceable (lasts from 4 months).

Disinfection, removal of dust and other contaminants from the humidifier

If the appliance is regularly maintained and washed, it is unlikely that bacteria will form in the water. However, forced downtime or forgetfulness on the part of the user may cause the liquid to "bloom" and/or smell bad. In this case, it is additionally recommended to perform disinfection. The procedure is most often carried out for the tank or tray, but in general can be realized for any parts in contact with water.

Disinfection should be carried out after descaling. The processes are similar, but the cleaning agents differ: you need those that have a disinfecting effect. Probably the simplest and safest option is ordinary hydrogen peroxide. First, you need to put on rubber gloves and prepare a disinfectant liquid. For a volume of 4 liters of water, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. But if the tray and / or tank is large, it is not necessary to prepare a solution for the entire volume, you can fill them partially, but at the same time well soaking all internal surfaces. Soaking should last from 15 minutes, after which it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the containers — until the disappearance of odors, and then — to dry them, and only then to use them again for their intended purpose.

In addition, it is recommended to remove dust from the body of the appliance. For washers this is a particularly important task, because they "attract" dust, and they are equipped with fans, which may work worse or noisier due to contaminants.

Another typical maintenance procedure is removing water residues and stains. Here they appear quite often both during direct work (typical of high-intensity ultrasonic models) and due to water refills.

By the way, do not neglect various small parts, such as tank lids and other removable elements. Everything that can be easily removed in the humidifier can and should be cleaned (at least remove dust).

What cleaning products should be used to clean the humidifier?

There are quite few specialized products for humidifier cleaning. Of the well-known manufacturers, probably only Venta offers branded hygienic additives, but allows performing service procedures without them. And Boneco has a Calc Off descaler.

It is not recommended to use ordinary household chemicals, except that some brands still allow the use of dishwashing detergents. Let's say that compositions with abrasives can damage parts. And some foaming products are difficult to wash out, which means that their components can be sprayed by an ultrasonic membrane or “blown” by a washer fan into the room.

As a result, it is best to use relatively simple solutions that are available in almost every household. For preventive treatment and removal of stubborn deposits, baking soda and acidic detergents such as vinegar and citric acid are suitable. For disinfection, hydrogen peroxide or chlorine-containing substances (bleach) are used. Although we recommend against using the latter, because the characteristic odor may persist for some time after cleaning, and chlorine has a negative effect on plastic.

Brands such as Boneco, Xiaomi, Philips report the possibility of using vinegar, citric acid and/or hydrogen peroxide in their manual. Accordingly, it is hardly advisable to overpay for special household chemicals.

Humidifiers don't need expensive cleaners - vinegar, baking soda and citric acid will be suitable.

General tips for the maintenance of humidifiers

At the end of the article about cleaning air humidifiers, we will give a few more recommendations to users:

  • always unplug the appliance from the outlet before washing and cleaning — this is a basic safety rule;
  • do not forget about the manual, if the recommendations differ from ours, then do as the manual say;
  • do not use abrasive household chemicals for cleaning; solvents, compositions with essential oils, and liquids with acetone are also prohibited;
  • if possible, clean the device every day. Basic maintenance is washing the tank and removing dust from the body;
  • monitor the condition of consumables (water cartridges, filters) and replace them in a timely manner;
  • if you want to simplify maintenance as much as possible, consider models where the main collapsible components (tanks, trays, other plastic parts) can be washed in the dishwasher and the textile humidifying filters can be laundered. The choice of such devices is growing, and among the popular models we can highlight the Electrolux EHW-600 ;
  • to dry, do not leave parts in direct sunlight and/or on heating radiators;

The components of some modern humidifiers allow automatic cleaning.
  • remember that the most careful handling is required for the base or those elements on which the electronics and controls are located. For obvious reasons, these parts can only be wiped with dry cloths and cannot be washed (unless otherwise stated in the manual).

If you make it a rule to take regular maintenance of your humidifier, it will not cause much trouble. Cleaning procedures are usually simple and straightforward, and cleaning agents and handy tools for maintenance (sponges, cotton swabs, brushes) are available in almost every home.