Our experts have prepared a guide that will help you choose an air rifle to suit your requirements in the general catalog of air rifles.

Design features and purpose of different types of air rifles

Despite the external similarity, air rifles differ in internal design. Not only the convenience of shooting depends on the type of mechanisms used, but also the range, penetration power, accuracy of the bullet, as well as the possibility of using multi-charge magazines and additional modules. Let's look at the most popular and effective systems.


The spring-piston design is based on a spring-loaded piston that creates the necessary air pressure in the barrel when the trigger is pulled, driving the bullet.

Today, such rifles are the most common and provide a beneficial set of advantages:

  • Does not require the purchase of consumables (except bullets) and additional equipment
  • Easy maintenance and high maintainability
  • Possibility of modernization
  • Large assortment and affordable prices

The weapon is perfect for regular training at the shooting range, as well as amateur outdoor shooting at targets at medium distances (up to 50 m). A spring-piston rifle can be an effective tool in the hands of beginners and professionals (athletes, hunters).

Important! Many manufacturers equip air guns with a soft metal spring, which provides low muzzle velocity (usually up to 250 m/s for a standard 4.5 mm lead bullet) and muzzle energy. However, most models are subject to further modernization (replacement with a more powerful metal or gas spring) depending on the purpose. This approach guarantees the free sale of rifles without requiring special permits or licenses.

When looking closely at the spring-piston mechanism, it is necessary to take into account the negative points:

  • Shooting with single cartridges, requiring constant reloading
  • The presence of recoil and increased noise associated with the operation of the spring
  • Wear of the cylinder (scratches) along which the spring and piston moves
  • Tangible dimensions and weight

It is also worth noting that operation requires certain physical effort to platoon into combat mode. Children, many women and teenagers cannot cope with these functions.

Gas spring

Air rifles with a gas spring are an improved modification of spring-piston ones. A piston is also used here, but it is pushed by gas compressed in a sealed cylinder.

The main feature of this system is considered to be higher power and penetrating force of the shot. The initial bullet speed and muzzle energy are quite high, which significantly increases the firing distance (about 100 m). The remaining set of advantages is similar to the spring-piston type. The disadvantages here include single shooting and the need for regular reloading, which will also require effort.

Gas spring rifles are great for professional use - sports and training, small game hunting. The lack of recoil improves accuracy and makes it an effective tool for outdoor entertaining.

PCP (Pre Charged Pneumatics - pre-pumping)

PCP rifles are considered the most advanced and belong to professional equipment. The system is based on a sealed container with a combat valve, into which air is pre-pumped under a pressure of about 300 atmospheres.

When you press the trigger, the valve is hit, and a portion of air is supplied to the barrel, which fires the bullet. The weapon advantageously combines the advantages of other types:

  • Good shot accuracy and repeatability
  • Possibility of power adjustment
  • Multi-charge
  • Easy to reload
  • High bullet speed
  • Long firing range
  • No recoil

PCP rifles are expensive both in terms of purchase and maintenance. The tank volume is enough for about 30 shots, after which it will require refilling using a special cylinder, compressor or high-pressure pump. To increase the accuracy and repeatability of the shot, a gearbox is often provided in the design. Repairing the system at home will be difficult.

PCP pneumatics are best suited for hunting small game and small animals (hare, squirrel), sports (biathlon) and training for accuracy at different distances. If the budget allows, then the rifle can also be used for entertainment in a private home or outdoors. However, it is worth considering the high power of the shot and the increased risk of injury.

Gas bottle

Air rifles with gas cylinder systems are rather the exception to the rule. The mechanism is more focused on pistols. The ammunition is released using carbon dioxide (CO₂), which is stored under pressure in a replaceable cartridge.

However, gas rifles have certain advantages:

  • A large number of shots per minute
  • Automatic cocking and multi-charging
  • Optimal dimensions and weight
  • No recoil

Among the disadvantages, we can note the need to purchase and replace carbon dioxide cartridges after a certain number of shots (about 40). Efficiency depends on weather conditions and may be significantly reduced at low temperatures.

Gas-type rifles are suitable for home entertainment. Their operation does not require any skills, so even children under adult supervision will be able to shoot at cans from a distance of about 20 - 30 meters.


Multi-compression rifles use their own sealed cylinder, into which air must first be pumped.

The process is carried out using a built-in pump pump in different ways (under-barrel or side lever, barrel fracture). The advantages of this type include simplicity and safety of operation, affordable cost, and the ability to be used in field conditions without special equipment. Despite the lack of recoil, the repeatability of the shot is low, since it is impossible to create the same pressure in the tank during pumping. The firing range also leaves much to be desired. Therefore, multi-compression rifles are used only for amateur recreational shooting. Not widely used.

Electrically driven (AEG)

AEG rifles are a separate category of pneumatics that are used for airsoft. The mechanism is based on an electric drive, which automatically pulls the piston back after each shot.

The weapon is characterized by low power to eliminate the possibility of injury. A distinctive feature is the ability to conduct semi-automatic or automatic fire, multiple charges, high cost and difficulty of repair. The ammunition for such air cannons is also specific - plastic balls of 6 mm caliber (Airsoft).

For ease of selection, all the necessary information is summarized in the table:

Rifle type Acting force Range Accuracy Purpose
Spring-piston Metal spring with piston Depends on the length and stiffness of the spring Average Amateur shooting
With gas spring Gas cylinder with piston Depends on compressor length High Hunting
PCP Refillable cylinder with compressed air High (usually adjustable) High Accurate target shooting
Gas bottle Replacement CO₂ cartridge Small Average Hunting
Multicompression Inflated cylinder with compressed air Average Average Professional target shooting
AEG Electric motor Small Low Hunting

What shot power is needed for amateur and professional shooting?

The power of the shot depends on the design features of the rifle and ammunition. Not everyone needs high performance, unless of course you are going to go hunting. The power of a rifle can be determined by one of its characteristics - muzzle velocity or muzzle energy. The higher the indicator, the faster and further the bullet will fly, and the higher the penetrating power. The type of barrel is also of great importance, on which the accuracy of the shots will also depend. Smoothbore rifles are characterized by low power, range and repeatability, so in rifles they are used mainly in AEG and gas cylinders. A rifled barrel is a prerequisite for high-quality pneumatics and significantly increases the efficiency of the shot in all aspects.

For amateur recreational shooting, any model with an initial bullet speed of up to 250 m/s or a muzzle energy of up to 7.5 J is suitable. This is quite enough to deal with cans, glass bottles, and pierce through soft materials (plasterboard, plastic) at a distance of up to 50 meters . Such pneumatic weapons are freely sold and can be used by persons over 18 years of age without additional permits. Most often these are rifles with spring-piston, gas, electric or multi-compression mechanisms.

For those who want to train accurately at long distances, it is better to consider PCP, gas-piston models with an initial bullet speed of 250 - 330 m/s (about 15 J). In this case, you should avoid rifles that have an indicator close to the speed of sound (about 340 m/s). The fact is that when the speed decreases to subsonic during flight, the bullet destabilizes and its trajectory changes, so the accuracy will be questionable.

If you are planning training at a distance of 100 meters or more, then it is better to take a closer look at more powerful rifles - from 350 m/s. This option already involves hunting small game and animals. With high build quality, the pneumatic will provide the necessary muzzle energy (over 20 J) not only for standard lead bullets weighing 0.5 g, but also for heavier optimized ones. You can find a suitable option among spring-piston, gas-piston and PCP systems.

Interesting! The power of rifles with a gas or metal spring can be visually determined by the length of the warhead (compressor) between the butt and the barrel. The larger it is, the higher the shot force will be due to the increased piston stroke. It is also necessary to take into account the direct relationship between the power indicator and the dimensions/weight of the rifle.

Which platoon system is most convenient?

The platoon system is responsible for placing the weapon in combat mode and is directly connected to the firing mechanism. Let's look at the main types.

Trunk fracture

The most popular, time-tested method is breaking the trunk. Often used in classic shooting ranges. It is characterized by reliability, simplicity of design, single-shot, low rate of fire. Used in piston systems with a mechanical or gas spring. Requires significant physical effort to cock.

Underbarrel lever

The underbarrel lever is also inherent in rifles with a spring-piston mechanism and a gas spring. In this case, the barrel remains stationary, and the overall design of the weapon is more reliable. It is enough to pull the lever down until it clicks, insert the bullet into the opened chamber and recoil the mechanism back, having first removed the lock using a special button or an additional trigger. The under-barrel cocking system allows the use of multi-charge clips, but reloading will still be required before each shot. There are modifications with a side lever, but they are not so popular.


The bolt cocking system is common in PCP and multi-compression air systems, but can also be found in gas cylinders. The mechanism is very reliable and does not require much effort. You can pull the shutter with one finger without taking your eyes off the sight. The bolt system provides a good rate of fire and multiple charges. In addition to the classic type, there are modifications that have become very popular - biathlon and bolt closures. The principle of their operation is the same, the differences lie in the implementation.

Automatic platoon

Automatic cocking for each shot is typical for gas, PCP and AEG rifles. This system is quite convenient for rapid-fire recreational shooting, and in some cases it even allows you to change modes (burst, automatic).

It is worth noting that the cocking mechanism indirectly affects the accuracy of the shot. A moving fracture shaft will be effective for a certain time, but during operation the connections may become loose. Before each shot, you must re-sight, as in the case of the under-barrel lever. Maximum accuracy is ensured only by multi-compression and PCP rifles with a bolt-action system, since during cocking the customer is not distracted from the aiming line.

Features of using optical sights with different types of air rifles

It's no secret that to shoot accurately, you need to sight correctly. Standard equipment for air rifles usually includes a basic system of an aiming bar (rear sight) and a front sight. It is quite effective when shooting at short distances at large and moving targets, but in other cases you will need an optical sight. It is worth noting that not all rifles are compatible with such equipment due to design features. The optics are quite sensitive to shocks and vibrations, so spring-piston models, where there is noticeable recoil, are not suitable for such sights. Gas-cylinder and multi-compression rifles are rarely equipped with such equipment, since they were not originally designed for long-distance shooting. Models with a gas spring and PCP are well compatible with optical sights, but it is not necessary to choose a package with an already installed body kit. To get acquainted with the rifle, it is better to use the classic rear sight and front sight. When choosing a pneumatic rifle, it is enough to make sure that there are mounts that allow you to install the sight at any convenient time. The most popular option is the dovetail and weaver bar. In the future, optics can be selected based on goals, desires, and budget.

Additional features and adjustments

The air rifle is a dynamic design that can be upgraded and supplemented with modules, as discussed earlier. However, some other features and adjustments can be highlighted that allow you to adapt the pneumatics to the customer to increase comfort and safety.

Auto fuse

Automatic safety during cocking is very important and is found on most break action rifles. The function prevents accidental shooting after charging, eliminating injury.

Selecting a shooting mode

The ability to switch to single or automatic firing is inherent in gas-cylinder and electric models. The function is useful for conducting chaotic fire at several targets, as well as in airsoft, where accuracy is not a determining factor.

Cheek and butt adjustment

The buttstock, adjustable in different directions, allows you to adjust the weapon to the physiological characteristics of the customer, which will increase not only comfort, but also shooting accuracy. However, such functionality is more often found in premium models, so it is better to immediately determine the issue of convenience in the store when choosing a rifle.

Adjustable sight and markings

The standard aiming system may have its own adjustments. In this case, the rear sight can move along the barrel closer or further from the front sight, and in some cases even change its inclination. When choosing an air rifle, pay attention to the presence of visual markers of different colors on the rear sight and front sight, which will increase the convenience of aiming at any time of the day. A completely black rear sight and front sight will begin to float in front of your eyes in just a few seconds and are not suitable for accurate shooting at long distances.

Air Rifle Safety Basics

Many users are mistaken in considering air rifles solely as a toy. If operated without following certain rules, the air can cause irreparable damage, which will lead to administrative and criminal liability. Therefore, it is necessary to observe important standards for the storage and use of rifles:

  • Do not point the gun at people while aiming and reloading
  • Shoot from a safe distance outdoors or in equipped shooting ranges
  • Monitor the technical condition of components
  • Store weapons in special safes
  • Transport air in a discharged state

You can learn more about the legality of purchasing, using, storing and servicing air guns in the corresponding article.


Choosing an air rifle should not be based solely on theory. It is necessary to clearly define the purpose of the weapon, the expected firing distance and the target. It is recommended to first try out several options in practice if your friends have similar devices. It is necessary to take into account the tangible dimensions of most models, which are not very comparable to entertainment. More often, air rifles are chosen by professional athletes (biathletes), airsoft players, hunters and those who like to practice precision shooting at long distances. For a pleasant pastime in the company of friends (shooting at tin cans), for many, an air pistol will be enough, for the selection of which you can use the appropriate guide.