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Catalog BASEUS 2025

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Chinese consumer electronics brand BASEUS offers a variety of products to customers, including headphones, mobile phone cases, mice, speakers, chargers, power banks, keyboards and more.

The BASEUS-branded products, which are manufactured by the Chinese company Shenzhen Besing Technology Co., were first introduced to the market in 2011. In the same year, the brand's first flagship store was opened in Guangzhou. Today, the company has opened more than 600 stores in 180 countries around the world.

The brand name is based on the slogan chosen for the brand - "Base on user" ("Based on the user"), by which its creators emphasize that the desire to satisfy the needs of customers is at the heart of the BASEUS philosophy.

The first products of BASEUS were a variety of mobile phone accessories, but over time, the range has been significantly expanded and today the company produces 11 product lines, including audio equipment, home electronics, car accessories, lighting, etc.

The brand is known around the world for its diverse solutions, which are distinguished by thoughtful design, high functionality and prices lower than those of many popular manufacturers. The creators of BASEUS products pay a lot of attention to design and ergonomics, strive to use the latest technologies and environmentally friendly materials. In 2019, the brand's laboratory was even created, where research and development is carried out, as well as technical tests of products, which, as a result, meet the standards set in different countries of the world.