In this article, we will look at possible variations of physical activity for each trimester, but since the material is not specialized medical, but is only introductory, all planned exercises must be discussed with your doctor.

First trimester: "to be or not to be"

It is better to transfer all physical activities to the second trimester

The first trimester is a very dangerous time, because it is this period that carries a high probability of interruption and the formation of a number of pathologies. Therefore, if your doctor does not recommend classes, then even the most primitive exercises should be abandoned, and strength simulators should be completely forgotten for the entire nine months.

Gymnastic balls will become indispensable helpers during the period of carrying a baby, but even their use is better postponed for the second half of the first trimester, or even for the second trimester.

The use of a fitball (gym ball) during pregnancy:

  • relaxation of the parotid muscles;
  • normalization of the heart and circulatory system;
  • improvement of the respiratory system;
  • prevention of kidney and genitourinary system diseases;
Fitball is the main assistant during pregnancy

In order for classes to be not only useful, but also safe, you should buy balls in branded stores and those brands that specialize in sports equipment. Manufacturers such as Reebok, Torneo and Adidas have a good reputation in this segment.

Correct selection of the fitball diameter:

  • the diameter of the ball is 45 cm for a height of approximately 1.55 m;
  • the diameter of the ball is 55 cm for a height of approximately 1.65 m;
  • the diameter of the ball is 65 cm for a height above 1.65, but not exceeding 1.80 m.

Optimal exercises with the help of a fitball in the first trimester:

  • rolling the ball with the straightened leg lying on the back. The second rests on the floor, and with a straightened leg slowly roll the ball back and forth. Repeat with each leg for 15 seconds for 4-5 sets;
Choosing the right diameter of the fitball is the key to comfortable classes
  • sitting on a fitball, bend your arms with dumbbells comfortable weight at an angle of 90 °, spread to the sides and return to the starting position (5-10 repetitions of three sets);
All training sessions must be coordinated with the doctor
  • sitting on the fitball in a comfortable position, bend and unbend the arm at the elbow with dumbbells, the second hand rests on the hip.

Even if a woman led an active lifestyle before pregnancy, it is still not worth trying hard with physical exertion in the first trimester, but to postpone them until a more favorable time — the second trimester, limiting herself only to walking in the fresh air.

Second trimester: the optimal time for physical activity of a pregnant woman

When the toxicosis recedes a little, the hormonal background is more or less stabilized, and the woman's body, like herself, gets used to the new status, sports horizons expand significantly. If there are no contraindications of the doctor and the well-being allows, the pregnant woman can connect moderate physical exercises of various directions.

Regular walks in the fresh air are the key to a pregnant woman's well—being


Of course, the most useful and not burdensome type of activity should be called walking in the fresh air. The optimal time is 1.5 — 2 hours, and if it is beyond your strength, the promenade should be reduced to 30 – 40 minutes. It should be remembered that at this time it is necessary to observe the speed limit and monitor the state of the pulse, which is already prone to increase during pregnancy. To control your condition, it makes sense to get a heart rate monitor or pedometer.

Experts recommend daily walking at a moderate pace, as in the process blood circulation improves, the risk of obesity decreases, and the fetus receives the amount of oxygen necessary for vital activity.

If the weather is non-flying, for example, there are frosts or the thermometer has exceeded +30 °, it is better to postpone street travel. An alternative can be a home treadmill, but you can use the simulator only at low speeds and without tilting.


If the word "sport" was not an empty word for you before pregnancy, then in the second trimester, if you have experience and feel well, you can use TRX.

TRX (Total Body Resistance Exercise — "total body resistance exercises") is a sports equipment in the form of training loops developed by American special forces personnel to work with their own weight outside the zone of sports institutions.

The advantage of such classes is the opportunity to train at home if you have this sports gadget. The hinges can be fixed either permanently to the wall, or in a removable version using a door or window opening. Another plus is that if you have TRX, you will be able to practice even in nature, using trees as fasteners.

However, it is worth remembering that if you have never worked with training loops, then pregnancy is not the best time to experiment, and if you really want and your general condition allows, training should be carried out under the strict guidance of a trainer.

Exercises for pregnant women with TRX:

  • squats with toe lifts or just shallow squats with hands holding loops;
At the slightest feeling of discomfort, it is necessary to stop
  • pulling up the arms perpendicular to the body;
Any exercises on TRX must be coordinated with a doctor
  • lowering the torso down in loops (strictly control the tension, transferring the main load to the hands).
Before starting a workout, be sure to do a light warm-up

Using sports loops, do not forget about fitness gloves they will reduce the risk of the loop slipping out of your hand and will save you from a dangerous fall.


Everyone knows about the benefits of swimming, but the "water sport" during pregnancy can significantly help the expectant mother to overcome, albeit a wonderful, but very difficult period of life.

Swimming improves blood supply and strengthens the muscular corset

Advantages of swimming:

  • strengthening and relaxing the muscular corset of the back;
  • reducing the likelihood of varicose veins and edema;
  • prevention of the threat of miscarriage due to abdominal muscle hypertonicity;
  • raising immunity;
  • improvement of blood circulation and cardiovascular system;
  • the ability to provoke the baby to turn over in cases of presentation;
  • uniform load distribution.

Given the high sensitivity of a pregnant woman, choose pools with modern types of cleaning, where chlorine and other harmful chemical elements are not used, but even there you should not neglect accessories such as hats and swimming goggles.

Training on simulators

It is better to forget about full-fledged classes during pregnancy and even in the fertile second trimester, however, if a woman with a sporting past and there are no medical contraindications, then it is quite acceptable to visit the gym within reasonable limits.

If you have already decided to go to the gym, then it is better to train with a competent trainer, who will be able to adjust the load in the process and choose a simulator and the intensity of approaches for you.

It is possible to engage in power loads during pregnancy only under the supervision of a trainer

Approximately acceptable simulators and exercises:

  • treadmill. Walking at a speed not exceeding 5 km/h with pulse control.
  • exercise bikes with a back;
  • information of hands in the "butterfly" simulator;
  • pulling the legs back in the crossover;
  • let's lift a body bar or not heavy dumbbells on the biceps;
  • shallow lunges and squats with light dumbbells or "Angle grinder" lunges.

All actions and approaches in the gym should be differentiated and coordinated as much as possible, and most importantly, correspond to your well-being.

Even if you are in the past "Miss Olympia", then during pregnancy you should not rush to the barbells and be active on strength simulators. And most importantly, it must be remembered that pregnant women are absolutely contraindicated by the load on the abdominal muscles, jumping, various kinds of twisting, especially hyperextension.

Third trimester: choosing the best option

The third trimester is a happy finish line leading to a meeting with the baby, but a significantly grown belly, pressure surges, late toxicosis and other nuances force a review of the physical activity of the pregnant woman. And that's right, because during this period it is not necessary to completely abandon sports and movement, but it is simply necessary to reduce the load several times.

If there are no medical contraindications and the mood and well-being allow, you can continue practicing with fitball and practice light fitness elements, but yoga and pilates elements are considered to be the most useful and gentle classes in the third trimester.


You can start practicing asanas from the first days of pregnancy, avoiding sudden movements and abdominal poses, for example: paripurna navasana, jatara parivartanasana and others.

In addition to the beneficial effect on the mother and child's body, the advantage of yoga is that you can practice at home, the main thing is to choose a special mat so as not to slip and not be injured in the process.

The main advantages of yoga:

  • soothing and relaxing therapy;
  • control of the body and emotions;
  • strengthening the muscles of the back, pelvis, abdomen;
  • improving the functioning of the endocrine system;

Recommended poses for the third trimester:

  • shavasana. For complete relaxation and relaxation (to avoid pressure on the vena cava – perform on the side);
  • virasana. It has a beneficial effect on joints and ligaments, helps to relieve swelling, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • dvipada pitthasana. Strengthens muscles and improves blood circulation;
  • malasana. it has a positive effect on the peritoneal organs;
  • baddha konasana. It acts as an analgesic, relieves inflammation and tension in the spine, has a beneficial effect on the tone of internal organs.

Considerable attention, especially in the third trimester, should be paid to breathing practice, performing a number of appropriate exercises, and here again the elements of yoga — pranayama will come to the rescue. Special breathing exercises saturate with oxygen, reflexively affect the receptors, massage the internal organs and significantly improve blood circulation. But during the practice of pranayama, pregnant women should refrain from prolonged breath retention.

Note! When doing sports, especially in the last terms, it is necessary to choose the right clothes from natural fabrics, as well as use compression knitwear.

Whatever kind of fitness you prefer during pregnancy, you need to approach everything with extreme caution and rationalism. And most importantly, every expectant mom should remember that sports during pregnancy is only a supporting factor, and the struggle for a thin waist should be postponed for later.

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