We bring to your attention the TOP 5 water heaters with a 30-liter tank in a compact modern design, with a durable tank, all kinds of levels of protection against breakdowns and overheating, simple operation. Individual models are equipped with antibacterial protection, a timer and a Smart function that provides the user with clean hot water at the right time for him.

In this section of our catalog you can get acquainted with the full range of water heaters.

Frost protection, internal glass-ceramic coating of the tank, price.
Slow heating.

The German manufacturer Bosch is trusted by millions of users around the world. The boiler ES 030-5 BO M1S, like all the equipment of the brand, is high-quality, functional and inexpensive ($115).

The cylindrical model with dimensions of 52x35x37cm has pipes and a thermostat from below, therefore, by hanging the water heater over the sink, you can comfortably use hot water, and the compactness and white colour of the model make it almost invisible in the interior of the kitchen.

The thermostat is mechanical, by turning the wheel allows you to select the heating temperature up to 70 °C, and also turn off the boiler, or rather, put it into standby mode, during which the frost protection function is activated — when the temperature drops below 10 °C, the unit turns on for a short time.

The boiler tank is made of metal, covered with enamel on the outside, and glass—ceramic on the inside, which allows the water to stay fresh, and the tank does not rust for a long time. There is also an additional protection against corrosion — a magnesium anode.

The water is heated by an ordinary open heating element with a power of 1200 watts, so the process is extremely slow — after 87 minutes the water temperature will be about 50 °C.

The ES 030-5 BO M1S water heater is a model with a 5—year warranty on the tank, reliable and very easy to use. For that kind of money, you don't need more. But it wouldn't hurt to be faster.

The maximum water heating temperature is 80 °C, price.

Practical, multifunctional household appliances, which are in demand in the USA and European countries, are produced under the brand Hotspot-Ariston. ABS BLU EVO R 30 is an excellent boiler for the kitchen for less than $120 for cases of disconnection or complete absence of central hot water supply.

The water heater stands out favorably in size, convex rectangular form factor and two-tone design. After the "barrels", I can't even believe that a 30—liter boiler can be so compact — 44.7x44.7x41 cm — and cute. The model will fit harmoniously into any kitchen interior, and if desired, can be hidden in the closet.

The pipes are supplied from below, and the mechanical thermostat is located on the front panel.

Inside, the tank is protected from corrosion by a thick layer of enamel and a magnesium anode, so it will safely last 5 years or more.

As a heating element, 1 heating element of the standard open type is used. The power is considerable for such a baby — 1.5 kW, the water heats up to a comfortable 45 °C in 70 minutes. But you can heat it up to 80 °C, and this is boiling water.

Of the additional functions, the boiler only has overheating protection, but this is enough for the device to serve for a long time and be safe for the user.

Ariston ABS BLU EVO R 30 is simple, stylish and reliable, does not require a lot of space, affordable. A good option for a little money.

"Dry" fuel tank, 7 years warranty on the tank, fast heating, frost protection.

The French company Atlantic, known as a manufacturer of climate equipment and household appliances, has branches in 17 countries around the world, including in our country. Steatite Cube Slim 30 S3C costing about $150 is a practical and durable boiler model for 1-2 people.

In 2018, the manufacturer changed the design of the water heaters of this line, making the mechanical control panel more attractive and convenient. As a result, the rectangular boiler with rounded corners has become stricter and more elegant and fits even better into the interior of a bathroom or kitchen along with other white appliances. The dimensions 61.9x34.2x34.7 cm allow you to place the model on the wall, creating a single ensemble with the upper modules of the kitchen set.

The warranty on the tank is 7 years, but the product has a lot of prerequisites to last longer. Firstly, inside the container is covered with glass ceramics with a high content of titanium and copper, which will reliably protect not only steel walls, but also seams from corrosion. Secondly, 1 "dry" ceramic heating element heats the water, which does not come into contact with water, which means it is not covered with scale, does not deteriorate. Thirdly, there is a magnesium anode that prevents the development of corrosion in a humid environment.

The power of the heating element is 1500 W, this is a good indicator for boilers of small volume. The water heats up to 65 °C in 69 minutes, which is good news, another thing is that this is the maximum heating temperature, so it will not work much to save by diluting boiling water with cold water.

The model is also equipped with frost protection, which will turn on automatically if the water temperature in the tank drops below 7 °C.

The Atlantic Steatite Cube Slim 30 S3C boiler pleases with fast heating and a long warranty on the tank. The price is not the cheapest for such characteristics, but also not high. The choice is for a long time.

2 heaters, 10 years warranty on the tank, electronic control, EcoSmart function, antilegionella.

The household appliances of the Slovenian company Gorenje are manufactured using innovative technologies, which appeals to the modern user. The boiler of the FTG 30 SMV9 line has an EcoSmart function that simplifies the operation of equipment and saves electricity. The "smart" water heater is not cheap, about $225, but it's worth it.

The rectangular boiler is mounted vertically. The thickness is small — 30 cm, so it will not protrude beyond the kitchen cabinets, and it will look neat in the bathroom.

The model is equipped with 2 conventional heating elements, with a capacity of 1000 watts each, located in separate tanks inside the tank. They can be turned on at full power and heat the water relatively quickly (72 minutes to a temperature of 55 °C) or turn on only one and heat the water, saving electricity. A good helper in saving is the EcoSmart function. No, this does not mean that you will not control the boiler via your smartphone. The unit analyzes the inclusions for several days, remembers at what time of day there is a need for hot water, and then independently turns on the heating.

The tank inside is enameled, contains a magnesium anode, so it does not corrode for a long time and, according to the manufacturer, will last at least 10 years. Do not forget about the standard functions. Protection against overheating, switching on without water and overpressure will protect the user and prolong the operation of heating elements.

Another useful option for FTG 30 SMV9 is antilegionella. Periodic heating of water above the maximum mark of 65 °C contributes to the purification of pathogenic bacteria, which is important for periods of equipment downtime.

The choice of functions, the adjustment of the water temperature is carried out using an electronic control panel, it is available on the front panel of the tank and is intuitive.

Summarizing, we can say that the Gorenje FTG 30 SMV9 boiler turned out to be quite successful and worth the money. It is practical, powerful, functional, comfortable and durable.

Slim design, stainless steel tank, 8 years warranty on the tank, 2 colour options, 2 "dry" heating elements, fast heating, antilegionella, electronic control, eco mode, timer.

The Swedish company Electrolux has long established itself as a supplier of high-quality appliances for home use. The EWH 30 Royal Flash water heater is maximally protected from corrosion and other negative factors, and according to the manufacturer, it is guaranteed to last more than 8 years.

There is no reason not to believe such a statement, because the boiler tank is made of stainless steel Inox + with a high content of chromium and nickel, which reliably protects it from corrosion. Rectangular shape and slim body of the model with dimensions of 60x43.4x25.3 cm makes its placement among furniture and household appliances organic. In addition, both vertical and horizontal installation of the product is possible. The EWH 30 Royal Flash is available in two colour options: silver and white, which expands the possibilities of its selection in the interior.

The model uses 2 "dry" heating elements with a total capacity of 2000 watts, which can work both, or in a reduced power mode (1300 watts), depending on what the user needs: to save on electricity, without hurrying anywhere, or to quickly get 75 °C boiling water. In the second case, it will take only 72 minutes to heat up and this is a pretty good indicator.

To select the desired heating temperature from 30 °C to the maximum, electronic control is provided, it is intuitive and conveniently located in the lower area of the front panel. There is an economical mode that supports the optimal temperature of 55 °C according to the manufacturer. Many people will probably like the timer with the delayed start function, if you need the water to be heated to the desired temperature by a certain hour, as well as antilegionella — the technology of cleaning the water in the tank from bacteria.

As a result, we have a compact, cute EWH 30 Royal Flash premium boiler at a very reasonable price of $ 200. A great choice for 1-2 people.

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